New Product: The Calming Salve
Holy smokes! It is November already, and apart from some of us sporting an 11 day old beard, it generally means that the days are shorter, the wind more biting, and your hands rougher. Maybe you even have a bit of SADD going on – that can be a downer  – but your hands don’t have to be any worse for wear. I felt like mine could definitely use some TLC, so I decided to make a new salve that would smell good and BE good – to my hands and mother earth. So I made this guy – all from good, simple, healing ingredients – like unbleached beeswax, sweet almond oil and wonderful soothing scents: rose and lavender. I am personally head over heels with my little creation! It’s also sold on Etsy in my all natural Victorian apothecary – alongside with my botanical perfumes and lip balms.